
Soybeanbus copyIn 1999 Tad Montgomery founded the Pioneer Valley Biofuels Cooperative in Greenfield, MA. This project, now under the title Northeast Biodiesel and under the auspices of Coop Power, is endeavoring to build a 1.75 to five million gallon-per-year biodiesel production facility in Greenfield using waste vegetable oil as the feedstock.

Biodiesel FlowerSince moving to Vermont in 2004 Tad has helped to found two other biofuels cooperatives — the Brattleboro Area Biofuels Cooperative with roughly 65 members coordinating various projects relating to alternative fuels in Southeastern Vermont, and the Amazing Grease Collective that is primarily a waste vegetable oil processing operation.  To be put on the BABC list serve contact Tad Montgomery or Barry Aleshnick.

TM&A has also developed a business plan with Owen Dodge of Saxtons River to start a company called EcoFuels, LLC to collect and process waste vegetable oil for various commercial and industrial uses in the region.  The business plan for this endeavor can be viewed here:

  EcoFuels Business Plan

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